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BHfit is started from BHplot. It offers a generic fitting environment for various models including polydisperse form and structure factors.

Clicking on the fit data button in BHplot opens a selection window showing the available models. Fitting of multiple data sets is possible by plotting several curves in BHplot before choosing the model.


This GUI allows the selection of the fit model. Several form factors (or fitting of structure factor only) can be selected. A term simulating aggregates can be added. The last listbox allows the selection of a structure factor or the fitting of the selected form factor only.

Some particular fitting routines, not using the standard GUI, or legacy fitting routines are grouped in the category "specific functions".

       Consider also reducing the number of fitted data points by using dynamic rebin from the DataTools program, especially when using models which contain numerical integrations.

       The models usually fit the logarithm of the intensity.

       Therefore, the first fitting parameter F_scal (intensity scaling of the model) should be around 1 with lower / upper limits between 0.1 and 10. The adjustment of the correct intensity level which could vary by several orders of magnitude has to be done using the scaling input field at the bottom. This restriction is mainly due to the implementation of the logarithmic fitting.

       A constant background of the measurement can be added as an additive offset in the add offset input field. This value is not fitted.

Some models require the specification of a scattering contrast.
This contrast can be calculated using the program ContrastCalculater available from the program menu.
It comes already with some predefined materials or allows user defined substances by giving their chemical formula. The density of the material should be known.

Contrast are always given relative to the external medium (solvent).
Use the scattering length density (rel. solvent) in nm-2 as input for the fit models where needed.


Available menu options:

data menu:

Self explaining...


Start other programs of the SAXSutilities package.


You can select special options which are available for some fitting models: e.g. choice of the used size distribution function.


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