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EDFplot offers a graphical user interface to visualise and quickly analyse SAXS data recorded at the beamline ID02 (ESRF). The software can treat 1D and 2D data saved in the EDF format. Moreover MAR ccd-images and TIF images are also supported (see below).

In contrast to other 2D graphics software, it fully evaluates the header information saved in EDF images. Therefore, various coordinate systems are available which take into account beam centre position, pixel sizes, sample to detector distance, wavelength, etc.
Azimuthal regrouping of the 2D images can be so easily performed.
Routines for creating software masks, determining the beam centre, detector distance, detector inclination, etc. are also implemented.


       EDFplot is specialised in EDF data format as used at ID02 beamline, ESRF.
However there is also support for MAR and TIF format.
MAR files have to obligatorily end on mccd and TIF files on tif or tiff to be correctly recognized!
In case some header information are missing, default values are used which are defined via the Setup menu.

array coordinate:

pixel coordinate

image coordinate:

pixel coordinate + Offset

center coordinate:

image coordinate - BeamCenter

region coordinate:

image coordinate * Binning

real coordinate:

image coordinate * PixelSize

normal coordinate:

center coordinate * PixelSize

saxs coordinate:

normal coordinate / SampleDistance  * WaveLength

Available menu options:

data menu:

You can save the selection within the data listbox for later use.

The other menu items should be self explaining...

analysis menu:

Peak analysis:
The beam position and FWHM of direct beam images is determined. When analysing several images, beam centre and FWHM are plotted as function of the image number.
(program developed by M. Fernandez)

Create composite:
This allows the creation of a composite image.
The first image can be optionally subtracted as background. It is also foreseen to only compose the image of a ROI of the original images. The individual images can be rotated between -90 and 270 deg in steps of 90 deg. Choose if images were recorded in ROWS or COLUMNS and define the number of images present in the columns and rows.

The maximum image size which will be created is 3072x3072 pixels. If necessary the original images are reduced in size not to overpass these limits imposed by Matlab.
The creation of the composite image might take some time and cannot be interrupted...

programs menu:

Start other programs of the SAXSutilities package.

setup menu:

Use the first option for continuous playback of the listed images by using the prev. or next buttons. Press the stop button (if necessary several times) to stop playback.

Metadata defaults opens a GUI to define default header values for the images. Available header information in the image will overwrite these values.

help menu:

Get (this) help and updates.